Organic Lawn Care in Atlanta: Results and Expectations

Posted on 01/13/16 by Simply Organic Turf Care

The foundation of organic lawn care is built upon establishing healthy soil. Nutrient-rich, wholesome soil will naturally fight off weeds and diseases. Achieving this level of soil health takes time. Patience is a must when it comes to organic lawn care in Atlanta. You will not see results overnight, and sometimes not even over the course of a month or two. But with persistence you can have a beautiful lawn that is safe for your family and pets to enjoy.

The Basics of Organic Lawn Care

Organic lawn care applications use natural ingredients to nurture the soil, which in turn boosts the health and appearance of your turf. The makeup of organic fertilizers may vary but our organic formula consists of ingredients including compost teas, organic poultry litter, humic acids, worm castings and sea kelp. This special combination of ingredients gradually works to thicken and improve the health of your organic lawn. A thick, healthy lawn will crowd out weeds naturally and be more resistant to insect and disease damage. In addition to organic fertilizers, you can also include tasks such as aerating annually, watering effectively and grasscycling. 

Weed Expectations

We supplement our treatments with organic herbicides for weed control, but currently organic weed treatment is not as effective as non-organic options. You simply will not achieve the 100% weed-free, golf green lawn that synthetic applications can offer. Weeds will undoubtedly show up, but as treatments progress and your turf thickens, you will see fewer and fewer weeds each month.

Disease Expectations

Atlanta lawns are notorious for fungal diseases like brown patch and dollar spot. Presently, there are no organic options for controlling these funguses either. A healthy, organic lawn in Atlanta will be less susceptible to fungus, but not immune. It’s best to treat these diseases early to help salvage your soil’s health. That’s why we offer non-organic fungicide treatments. These applications aren’t harmful to your lawn’s natural insects such as ladybugs and butterflies; they just require some drying out time before you can be out on the lawn again.

Results Expectations

Obviously you’ll need to adjust your expectations depending on the starting condition of your lawn. If you already maintain your lawn and are simply switching to an organic formula, the transition should be fairly seamless. If your lawn is ridden with weeds, brown patches or other eyesores, it could take an entire growing season before you see the change you’re hoping for. 

Committing to an organic lawn care regimen means acknowledging the fact that your lawn may not be the flawless lawn achieved by chemical treatments and applications, but it will be a beautiful lawn that boosts your curb appeal while offering a safe haven for your pets, friends and family. Embrace natural beauty achieved by an organic lawn with these invaluable benefits of organic lawn treatments.