What to Do with Rosemary

Posted on 09/01/16 by Simply Organic Turf Care

It’s late summer and chances are your rosemary shrub is getting pretty large. Check out a few organic lawn care tips for pruning your rosemary and ways to use the excess!

Generally, when you’re trimming your rosemary bush, you should do it in stages. Trimming too much will result in the death of the branch. Whole branches can be taken off, but trimming more than a third off at one time can cause the death of the remaining branch. A quarter of a branch is optimum and, later in the season, often leaves you with a rosemary bush that is still quite large! If the bush is still way too bulky, you can prune back the whole bush by a third at a time, but don’t do this more than once every two or three months.

Once you’ve trimmed and pruned your rosemary bush, what can you do with the excess left over? Rosemary has an infinite number of possible uses so there’s no reason to throw it away.

  1. Eat it! This is very broad use. You can cook vegetables and meat with it. It makes great crusts for fish, marinades for chicken or rubs for steak. The possibilities are endless! Stripping the leaves off and using the stems as skewers is also a popular and flavor-infusing option.
  2. Smell it! Bundles can be put in a simmering pot to spread the fragrance throughout your home.
  3. Drink it! There are few cocktails that aren’t benefited by a sprig of rosemary, particularly light drinks with clear liquor. You can also infuse many kinds of liquor with rosemary and impress your friends at a dinner party!
  4. Interior Decorations: Centerpieces of rosemary and evergreens, sprigs in napkin rings and hanging bundles are all delicate decorations that can make your home look lovely in any season! Remember, they also smell great!
  5. Exterior Decorations: Apart from just planting it in the yard, rosemary is fantastic for Atlanta organic lawn improvement in container gardens. It mixes well with other herbs and livens up any organic yard. Bundles can be made into wreaths or planted in window boxes (if they’re trimmed well)!

If you don’t already have a rosemary bush, you should plant one! They’re hardy, deer-proof, beautiful, and help make any meal delicious. Make sure your organic lawncare is working for you, and get the most out of it!